Initially designed to protect computers against virus', you now have to protect against far more and most modern Anti-Virus programs will do that. From protecting your individual devices from malicious software they also help protect your brwsers, ransomware, keyloggers, trojans, worms adware, spyware and many more.

Malicious Software Protection

Antivirus software is essentially a computer program that is used to prevent, detect and remove malicious software (Malware). Often referred to as well as End Point security, it is there as the first line of defence for individual devices to protect against anything that gets through your firewall or against an infected download for example.

It is important that every device that has access to the Internet is operating an Anti-Virus program and it is configured correctly to protect that device properly. Failure to do so will not only open that device up to the threat of Cyber Attack but also your whole network will be put at risk by that one device.

With there being so many easily available Anti-Virus products available it is important when changing to a new one that the old program is fully removed before installing the new product, having multiple Anti-Virus products on one device is not recommended as they can conflict with each and fail to detect threats.

ADNS Education are the premier providers of Cyber Security to School in the North East, we can protect your most valuable assets, your data.

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